Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SaveGame Manager GX r56

by dj_skual, Giantpune
Install/Extract saved game files. Based on Waninkoko's SaveGame Manager.

-Added a Warning Message in SaveManage Prompt to explain why u can't install if
the save is not already installed in Wii
-Added a new ScrollText effect (SCROLLFULL) to manage this message
-Now you can change the ScreenSize without reboot the app
-Added LastBrowsedPath to NAVINFO to store the lastest browsed path in
DeviceBrowser (not used for now)
-Added LastDeviceFirstItem and LastDeviceItemSelected to NAVINFO to return in
DeviceBrowser where you leave it (not used for now)
-Changed the NAVINFO update way
-Added Refresh to nav info to allow refresh browser after an extraction
-Created some fonction in menu_loop to clean up menu.cpp (SaveInstall(),
SaveExtract(), ...)
-Added SaveDelete() fonction to delete save on device

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