Neko Project II Wii is a port of the PC-9801 (PC98) emulator, Neko Project II. It was brought to life by the fantastic progress on the SDL-Wii port by Tantric. Neko Project II was originally written by YUI.
When you start Neko Project II Wii, you will be presented with the main menu. Load a disk and run! USB Keyboards are now supported too!
There are 2 files that are required by Neko Project II Wii. This is the font.bmp file, and the x68kfont.rgb file. They must be placed in SD:/PC98/DATA/ as font.bmp and x68kfont.rgb, respectively. x68kfont.rgb is included in this download, but font.bmp is not, for legal reasons. Floppy and Hard Disk images must be stored in SD:/PC98/ROMS/
To get the last built version, there is a directory on the Neko Project II Wii Git called np2hbc. Copy this to SD:/apps/ and put the files required by Neko Project II Wii on the SD card, and go!
In order to build Neko Project II Wii, you will need the latest devkitPro, LibELM, µSync, and libwiikeyboard.
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