Sunday, January 16, 2011

WiiXplorer r211 & Forwarder Channel 11

by Dimok, r-win
A multi device file explorer for the Wii by dimok and a GUI made with LibWiiGui by Tantric with graphics by NeoRame.

-USB2 support with IOS58 or IOS202 installed
-SMB/USB/SD/DVD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
-FAT/NTFS/EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 files systems support
-GUID Partition Table (GPT) support
-Rename files/directories
-Properties of files/directories
-Browse through SD/USB/SMB/DVD/WiiDisk
-Addressbar with path
-Multilanguage with custom font support
-Boot .dol/.elf files
-Playback Wii/GC Game Videos
-Stylish Music Player
-Supported Image Formats: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TPL/TGA/TIFF/GD/GD2
-Imageoperations zoom/slideshow
-Image converter which converts the supported formats to: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TIFF/GD/GD2
-Screenshot support at any point of the app in different formats
-ZIP/7zip/RAR/BNR/U8Archive/RARC browsing and decompressing
-Properties of archive files
-Add files/directories to a ZIP or create new ZIP files
-Textediting support
-PDF Viewing support
-Format SD/USB primary/logical partitions to FAT32
-Integrated FTP Server and FTP Client
-MD5 Calculator and Logger
-Start BootMii
-Auto-Update feature

*Ignore MBR entry for partitions and check the boot record sector instead (Some
lazy partition manager don't update it :( )
*Reworked all file operation functions (mode/rename/delete/create) to use as
little on stack as possible because of stack overflow on deep directory
*Fixed move of files on same device into a folder where the filename of the file
already exists (was not working -> now asking if you want to replace)
*Fixed crash when exiting application from FTP Server menu
*Several small bug fixes
*Language files updated

*Change in libfat. Use of and creation of the FS info sector on FAT32 partition.
Right now the FS info sector is synchronized on every properties called (same
speed as before), but when all homebrews that write to FAT32 will use this
change, i will disable the synchronization and the properties call will be very

Forwarder Channel Change:
*Ignore MBR entry for partitions and check the boot record sector instead (Some
lazy partition manager don't update it :( )

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