Press (+) to install or update Preloader.
Press (-) to remove Preloader and restore your system menu.
Hold Down (B) with any of the above options to use IOS249.
Press (HOME) to chicken out and quit the installer!
To access Preloader and configure it please hold (RESET) during the boot cycle.
You will need the IOS used to boot the system menu to be patched with ES_Verify. This version of the installer does NOT currently patch your IOS for you so please use DOP IOS or Free The Bug!!!
This tool comes without any warranties and I accept no liability if you turn your wii into a paper weight with it. I have tested this tool with 100% success on 23+ WII's. Hopefully you will have no serious issues with it!
CHANGELOG Revision 4
-fixed SDHC support (more compatible)
-few minor changes
CHANGELOG Revision 3
-fixed issue with the boot state that could cause the wii to power down during boot
CHANGELOG Revision 2
-fixed temperamental issue with autobooting
-fixed issue with shutdown to preloader
-fixed issue causing unpredictable behavior when reading settings
-disabled mounting sd when launching installed dol (can cause stack dump)
CHANGELOG Revision 1
-added missing event handling from the official source
-fixed a number of bugs that was preventing preloader from working
-built installation and removal utility for compiled binary
-added modifications supplied by DacoTaco (see below)
0.30 Edits By DacoTaco:
-added autoboot Bootmii IOS
-added Bootmii IOS booting option
-let preload remount sd
-try and boot the HAXX Homebrew channel Title ID if JODI isn't found
-renamed the settings file it accesses as this version changes stuff and still needs testing!
0.30 Edits by Crediar
-added SDHC support
-added a new option to the "return to" setting; "return to: autoboot"
-fixed a bug where enabled autoboot overwrote the "return to preloader" setting
-removed netcode, online update check, online update code.
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