A multi device file explorer for the Wii by dimok and a GUI made with LibWiiGui by Tantric with graphics by NeoRame.
-USB2 support with cIOS202 installed
-SMB/USB/SD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
-USB FAT and NTFS files systems support
-Rename files
-Properties of files/directories
-Browse through SD/USB/SMB
-Addressbar with path
-Multilanguage with custom font support
-Boot .dol/.elf files
-ZIP/RAR/7zip support
-Auto-Update feature
-Fixed change of DVD being remounted
-Moved DVD mount to mount only when the DVD Icon is clicked not when devicemenu
is loaded
-Fixed D-PAD scroll issue
-Fixed Properties on RightClickMenu being off screen
-Made Pictures startup at maximum fullscreen when they are over the size for
better SlideShow
-some more minor bugfixes
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