Its main purpose is to list all titles (such as channels, IOS, etc...) and allow the user to delete the ones he/she wants to get rid of.
Red Squirrel released AnyTitle Deleter MOD which used an external database to associate the cryptic title IDs (such as "HAXX") with a meaningful name (such as "Homebrew Channel"). AnyTitle Deleter DB uses his database format to achieve the same goal but adds support to read the title's name from the titles banner.bin or 00000000.app file which are stored internally in the Wii's NAND. Not all titles have a banner.bin or 00000000.app - actually only some channels and about half of all game saves have a banner.bin while 00000000.app files are found only in most channels, never in gamesaves - but combining the names on NAND with Red Squirrel's database allows the user to work with a broder scope of title names. This way cleaning up your Wii's internal storage is made easier and much faster than using Nintendo's gamesave and channel manager.
-checks the first .app file instead of just 00000000.app to allow more names to be found.
-for 0x10000 type TID, it checks the data and content folders. if there is 0 items in the data and only a title.tmd in the content, it puts a TMD! by the name (if the IOS will let it).
-there are 2 flavors, one that just uses the highest IOS counting down from 36 and one that uses 249.
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