*Please note We Brew Wii found and posted this news within the first minute of this homebrew release on google code. Even before WiiBrew. Thank you for choosing us!*

TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl). Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
-2D gameboard with special graphical effects
-WiiMote device support
-18 game maps
-6 weapon systems
-25 enemy types
-Nice background music
-Nice game sound effects
-Game score is stored local and on internet
-Added 6 animated weapons. Thanks Applicant!
-Improve enemy animated sprite frame sequence.
-Improve help and level select screens.
-Lots of other small changes.
-Weapons now fire on strongest enemy in range.
-Increase bonus money when wave is cleared.
-Increase initial weapon power.
-Decrease weapon prices.
-Added weapon sell functionality with minus button.
-User initials are now default based on Wii nickname.
-Bugfix: Monsters can not be shooted before launch.
-Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
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