Channel creator.
-Added CustomizeMii Installer (by WiiCrazy / I.R.on)
-Fixed rough edges (artifacts) on images (will be fixed automatically)
-Replaced the TPL preview window with the one from ShowMiiWads for easier handling
-Added loop prelistening to the BNS conversion window (only for wave files)
-Added drag & drop ability cause the file dialogs kept bothering me
-Improvement in startup speed (thanks shadow1643)
-Added creation/last edited time (only for CustomizeMii 2.1+ channels)
-Added a button to translate the word "Channel" to every language
-Improved detection of required TPLs
-Little improvements and fixes
-Changed the complex forwarder to be more configurable (choose any path you want)
-ForwardMii is now bundled with CustomizeMii
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