The source code comes from Q1DS (an initial attempt to port the engine to the Nintendo DS), which, in turn, comes from the original winquake, one of the projects that can be obtained at ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/source/q1source.zip .
The engine is feature-complete, it plays the game at 30fps with no hiccups or any similar problems. It can also be used as a client for Internet-based gameplay, as a "unmodified" NetQuake client.
Get the newest release, and find out what's new, at http://dsotaku.drunkencoders.com/Q1Rev/Q1Rev.html .
-Classic Controller can now be used to play; controls are similar to those in use by the Gamecube Controller.
-Pressing [A] to aim is now optional; a Menu Option was provided for such effect.
-Bug fixes in the way the Nunchuk controller was handled, causing problems when moving on water.
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