WiiColEm is a port of the ColEm ColecoVision emulator version 2.5.2 developed by Marat Fayzullin.
-Support for driving, roller, and super action controllers
-Tilt-based (Wiimote) driving support
-Cartridge database w/ recommended controller settings and keypad descriptions for most commercial cartridges
-Per-cartridge button mappings
-On-screen keypad display
-High cartridge compatibility (see below)
The following additions/modifications were made to the core emulation code:
-"The Heist" now works correctly (memory initialization bug).
-Added support for Opcode RAM expansion.
-Added support for "Lord of the Dungeon" (original 32k or trimmed 24k).
-Mode 2 masking now works correctly (supports Daniel Bienvenu games).
-Mode 0 and Mode 3 now work correctly ("Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show" and "Smurf: -Paint 'n Play Workshop" now work correctly).
-Fixed graphic corruption that would occur when switching between games (VRAM and related state were not being reset correctly).
-Fixed save/load state bug where the emulator would incorrectly report that the save was invalid (memory was not being cleared correctly).
-Fixed issue where noise channel wasn't starting when it should (Matt Patrol).
-Initial release
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