Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wii Mod 3.0

by jskyboo
A tool that will let you install IOSs, channels, system menus, and more!

-Fixed bug fetching region for some system menus that was introduced in 2.9
-Fixed IOS 3 not showing in IOS menu
-Changed so if it crashes it will reboot in 5 seconds
-Fixed some issues with install cios
-Changed batch wad (un)/installs so it says what # its on
-Added support for IOS 253 bootsneek so check IOS doesn't choke on it
-Wad Manager no longer lists mac os x metadata files(._ files)
changed wad manager so it reloads AutoLoadIOS on install if AutoLoadOnInstall
is set
-Added option onlyCheckIOSOnDemand, if set it'll only check IOSs when called
from the check IOS menu
-Added option on Check IOS menu, if you have AHBPROT it will check IOS < 28
instead of skipping them, this may make you lose AHBPROT depending on the
patches you have applied.
-During system menu installs it checks if you have the correct IOS it now
will check the permissions of the IOS if you haven't run Check IOS yet.
-Merged some changes from BLIND
-Can now change System Menu to run on IOS <22
-Install system menu from wad
-Now compiled with devkitPPC 24 and libogc 1.8.8

News Source (1)

SaveGame Manager GX r114

by dj_skual, Giantpune
Install/Extract saved game files. Based on Waninkoko's SaveGame Manager.

* Changed illegal fat charaters fix and added a fonction to change old extracted
filename while installing the save
* Added new illegal fat charaters fix to extract a data.bin to storage device
* Fixed a problem who corrupt file datas while extracting a data.bin to a custom
* Fixed freeze for Wii with no internet connection (thanks to
* Added ES AHBPROT patch to keep AHBPROT flag enabled while an IOS reload
* Changed everything from WiiTDB to GameTDB (using new host and name)
* Added quick switch between system font and old font (fixed memory leak in font
change) (thx dimok)

News Source (1)

Settings Editor GUI 1.0

by JoostinOnline
Change your Wii settings.
Things you can change:
•Screen resolution
•Aspect ratio
•Sensor bar position
•Sound mode
•Wii remote rumble
•Screen burn-in reduction
•Shutdown mode
•Wii remote sensitivity
Note: You cannot change a setting unless you have changed it at least once in the System Settings.

Possible additions:
•Support for enabling/disabling 576i
•Theme support to match postLoader2
•Loading the System Settings for changing internet options. (unlikely)

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BoltThrower 0.6

by Titmouse
Bolt Thrower is currently single player Space Shoot 'Em Up.

Ver 0.60 - 29/10/2011
-Added auto update
-Added change tune feature
-Changed menu look
-Added on screen ping for spores
-minor ingame tweeks
-Added Http download feature
-Music folder now scanned, no need for config entries
-Music can be cached via Http config list
-Added ogg vorbris support
-Added language support via config
-Added Klingon langauge

News Source (1)

PainTown 3.5.0

by kazzmir, juvinious
Paintown is a free 2-d fighting game.

If you are looking for a side-scrolling, action packed game like you used to play or if you are looking for an extensible engine to write your own game, look no further. Paintown supports user created content through a mod system and user defined functionality through scripting.

Paintown also supports an implementation of M.U.G.E.N. Our goal is to be 100% compatible with M.U.G.E.N 2002.04.14 beta as well as supporting any new updates in the 1.0 version.

Paintown is completely open-source and we would love any contributions in the form of code, art, or donations. Give Paintown a try!

-Low CPU and GPU requirements
-Network play
-Dynamic lighting
-Joystick support
-mod/s3m/xm/it music modules
-Scripting with python
-M.U.G.E.N engine

10/16/2011 - Released 3.5.0.

Paintown Engine:
-A new move list dialog shows all the attack moves for a player
-Local multiplayer co-op
-Much Improved joystick support

Paintown Editor:
-Re-organized the layout
-Onion skinning
-The background color of the animation window can be changed
-Additional convienence tools were added

Mugen Engine:
-Characters and stages are discovered in the background without having to modify select.def
-Many parser bugs were fixed

-Menu items can be customized

-Ports to Android, PS3, Wii
-MP3 and Ogg support

News Source (1)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

cBoot252 v1.1

by JoostinOnline
cBoot252 is a modification of Bootmii as IOS and cBoot2.

•Never have to bother switching out your bootmii and cboot2 folders again
•Load cboot2 via any exploit such as Bannerbomb or Smash Stack. All exploits are included.
•Load cboot2 through a custom channel (included).
•Load cboot2 through the HBC.
•Load cboot2 through Priiloader/postLoader
•Through cboot2 and the included Wii Mod 2.9, you can use many dangerous features (woot!) without a patched IOS or AHBPROT.

-Updated Wii Mod to v2.9.
-Removed wiimod folder and wiimod.txt, as support for cBoot252 is now built into Wii Mod.

-Added new HBC icon to Full and HBC packs (thanks fraggelpower666)
-Channel has a new banner and icon (thanks fraggelpower666)
-Changed "BootIOS Mod" to "cBoot252"

-First public release

News Source (1)


by Wiimpathy
NeoCD-Wii is a port of the NEO-CD REDUX GameCube emulator, originally coded by Softdev. This is a Neo-Geo CD emulator.

*fixed artifacts on left screen border.
*Video modes options : interlaced, progressive and filter on/off.
*Configurable buttons (Wiimotes, Classic Controllers).
*Games default folder : neocd.
*Ability to save settings.
*Browse games by page.

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Slime Roll 0.2

by ThatOtherPerson

ThatOtherPerson's Notes
Here is a Wii port of Slime Roll.

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UAE Wii 6

by Simon Kagstrom
UAE is a famous Amiga emulator ported to the Wii.

-Added SMB support
-Added USB mass storage support
-Many menu improvements (new colors, new popup messages, browsing with nunchuk, wider screen, etc.)
-Added nunchuck menu browsing
-Configuration file saved manually
-Several improvements in input configuration menu (single wiimote configurations, snd and trd button joystick, enable/disable mouse emulation, etc.)
-Name of the loaded file in the menu header
-Added logfile option
-Fixed correct aspect option (to adapt the Amiga screen to Wii screen)
-Fixed mouse jerkiness
-Fixed second Joystick configuration issue
-Other small fixes

News Source (1)

Sharpii 1.4

by person66
It is a command line app for windows which uses leathl's libWiiSharp.dll to perform tasks such as:

•Pack, unpack, or edit .wad files
•Pack, and unpack U8 archives
•Patch IOS .wad files with various patches
•Download files from NUS
•Convert a .wav file to .bns, and vice versa
•Convert an image file to a .tpl, and vice versa
•Send a .dol to the Homebrew Channel over Wi-Fi

News Source (1)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pimp My Wii 2.27

by Attila
Here is "Pimp My Wii", an homebrew that will Hack your Wii, install missing or outdated IOS / titles, install the cIOS and mIOS necessary.

The program will detect missing or outdated IOS and check that you have the latest version of the Wii System Menu. It also checks if you have the latest versions of BC, MIOS and those channels : Wii Shop, News, Weather, Mii, Photo and Photo 1.1
If you don't have the latest versions of those titles, the program will download them, or read them from USB or SD to install them. When using this program, you will have all advantages from 4.1 cumulated from those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks !

It also install cIOS d2x (based on Waninkoko) (249, 250) v6 and cIOS from Hermes 202/222/223/224 rev5.1. You can if you want install the cIOS from Waninkoko rev20/21 (you'll have to install it manually from the menu "Install cIOS").
Pimp install the cMIOS from WiiGator.

The homebrew is displayed automatically in english, french, italian, german or spanish depending of your Wii's language. It is also compatible with NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL Wii consoles. (Korean Wii theoricaly compatible).

Version 2.27
- Fix a bug appeared in 2.26 which caused d2x cIOSes to not be detected.

Version 2.26
- Added a protection which prevent in the "wad" menu to delete the Boot2, SystemMenu, BC or MIOS.
- Updated libogc to 1.8.8.
- Fixes a freeze which may appear on not network connected Wii (thanks to

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BrawlStats 1.2.1

by Marcmax
BrawlStats is a Wii application that will have to be ran after a Super Smash Bros. Brawl session. It will store automatically on your SD your results and then you will be able to navigate freely through a clean GUI that will show you a lot of information that Brawl doesn't store (or doesn't show). It can be like a database of your Brawl matches.

-improved compatibility with some SD cards
-fixes the corrupted sessions bug

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Swingball 2 v0.1

by ThatOtherPerson

ThatOtherPerson's Notes
Here is the first and very early release of Swingball 2. Unlike its predecessor it is available not only for Wii but also for PS3 (with a PC version forthcoming).

There were some really cool user made levels for the original Swingball that did things I hadn’t even thought of and I’m looking forward to seeing how people take advantage of the new stuff in this game.

There are now blocks that can be swung from but not walked on (they aren’t solid). There are also tiles that will change the direction of gravity when you come in contact with them.

I haven’t begun it yet but I plan to make a WYSIWYG editor which will make it even easier for people to create their own levels.

There is a lot left to do. The game currently just consists of a single test level.

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Sketch Fight 0.2

by ThatOtherPerson
Sketched out drawings fight each other.

ThatOtherPerson's Notes
Sketch fight (my two player fighting game) came in first place in the PS3 games category of the 2011 Scenery Beta! Huzzah! To celebrate this I’ve ported the game to Wii.

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The Unmapped Forest 0.2

by ThatOtherPerson

ThatOtherPerson's Notes
Here is a long overdue Wii port of my still in development PS3 action RPG game The Unmapped Forest. I’ve made it so that the game resets when you run out of health but aside from that there is no real difference between this and the PS3 version.

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by Raz0red
WiiMednafen is a partial port of the Mednafen [1] emulator.

Emulators supported:
-GameBoy/GameBoy Color
-GameBoy Advance
-Game Gear
-Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
-Neo Geo Pocket
-PC Engine (CD)/TurboGrafx 16 (CD)/SuperGrafx (Fast version)
-Sega Master System
-Virtual Boy

It should be noted that the Virtual Boy emulation included with this emulator is much improved over WiirtualBoy. Most games now run at 100% speed without frame skipping. These improvements are due entirely to Ryphecha (Mednafen) who optimized the core emulation code in addition to eliminating idle loops on a per game basis.

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Double Dash Wii 1.23

by BlackWhiteEagle
DoubleDash is a Boulder Dash Clone ...WITH A MAPEDITOR/CONVERTER(PC)!!! Up to 4 Players can play this game. Gamemodes are SINGLEPLAYER/VS,COOP,SPEEDRUN and RACE

========= lev2tmx and dummyxml.xml added DIAMNUM added a mapcheck (counts diamonds, boulders, entrys, etc.) during -conversion and checks if there are enough diamonds, entrys and exits
-removed some levels from the vs/coop/speedrace maps, because similar leves are now in race/clone mode
-made some new maps for vs/coop/speedrace
-made a working win32exe of with py2exe (windows tested and ok), but i did not included it because it raises the packagesize about +2.7MB!)

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POWDER 116-1

by nsin

Descend into the depths of the dungeon until you reach the foul daemon known as "He who the author cannot spell consistently", or, Baezl'bub. When you have slain Baezl'bub in heroic combat, or, if Baezl'bub dies in any way, retrieve his black heart and bring it to the surface world.

Nine months since the last release, so much for the weekly release schedule POWDER started with! You will notice that at least it has maintained the same size release, minor fixes and a new spell. There is a compromise for god-induced flamestrikes - you get a warning now so they are less just an insta-death out of the blue.

News Source (1)(2)

OpenTTD 1.1.3

by Extrems
OpenTTD is an open source reimplementation of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe". As president of a start-up transportation company in 1950, you have a choice of building rail, road, air and maritime transportation routes to build up your transportation empire. Outsmart your competition by beating them to attractive passenger and commodities routes to become the game's highest-ranking transport company by the year 2050.

-Updates for 1.1.3 release.
-Networking is mostly functional.
-Improved efficiency of video driver.
-Other minor changes.

News Source (1)

Monday, October 10, 2011

WiiMC Channel Installer 1.9

by wilsoff

Program that installs a WiiMC Channel. wilsoff was kind enough to design an official channel. It uses my own forwarder code, complete with USB 2.0 and NTFS support. Enjoy!

-Not provided

News Source (1)(2)

Playstats 1.1

by chris

A utility to analyse the play history on the Wii (shown under Today's Accomplishments on the Wii Message Board). Show such stats for each game/channel, including total time played, total number of times played, average time played, first and last time played.

-Fixed some of the bugs causing strange results for some people.
-Added sanity checks to work around the remaining bugs.
-Added Unicode support.
-Added ability to log stats to the SD card.

News Source (1)

They Do Not Die 2 v0.6

by ThatOtherPerson
This is a very fun circle zombie killing homebrew game.

ThatOtherPerson's Notes
Here is another updated version of They Do Not Die 2. Not a lot has changed but there is now a Wii version. Yeah I just realized that the text in the Wii versions dashboard says this is v0.5 so just ignore that…

Notable changes:
-Added on screen text showing the highest number of zombies you have ever killed before dieing (if you pass that high score then the new number will get saved when you die).
-You can now play with up to four people (it was previously limited to two).
-The position and size of the health and energy bars during multiplayer has changed.
-There are now four different kinds of wooden crates (the differences are only cosmetic).
-Menu text is larger and the title looks better.
-Game saving and loading is even faster.

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King of Fighters: Flames of Courage v5F

by EGS Studio Games
Fighting game for Wii and other platforms.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

d2x cIOS Installer 3.1

by dragbe, davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak
Official Homebrew to install d2x cIOS v3 and v4-beta maintained by davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak

- d2x cIOS v4, v5 and v6 support
- hybrid cIOS and potentially any cIOS support
- module to add new cIOS in d2x cIOS installer without having to recompile it
- available IOS bases: IOS37 v5662, IOS38 v4123, IOS53 v5662, IOS55 v5662, IOS56 v5661, IOS57 v5918, IOS58 v6175
- installation slot support (200 --> 255 except slots 202, 222, 223, 224, 242 and 254)
- online and offline installation (WAD support)
- SD and USB devices support
- classic controllers, Wiimotes and Game Cube pads support
- argument --ios=XXX support in the meta.xml file to fix the IOS used by d2x cIOS installer (only active without AHBPROT)
- argument --remove-cache support in the meta.xml file to delete the cache folder at the d2x cIOS installer exit
- HW_AHBPROT support (enabled by default)
- option to select the cIOS revision
- batch installation support
- module to save/load an installation config file
- module to save a NUS script
- uninstall cIOS feature restricted to the slots 200+

- Better management of the queue facility.
- Better management of warning messages.
- Fixed tags and no_ios_reload release_date in meta.xml.
- Support of external cIOS operational again.
- More rapid return to homebrew channel.

News Source (1)

DrawMii 1.1

by miguel28
Create your own pictures, select color or even the width of the track, and when you have finished your drawing, you have the option to save to your SD card so you can take where more you like.

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Multi Bu! 1.0

by csar.ale
An excellent application with 3 great tools available in one. It consists of the first and only timer available for Wii, a tester and a menu button graphic to see how much battery you have in your remotes. Each displayed graphically with pretty GUI.

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Piixelator 1.0

by xerpi
Drawing application that lets you draw pixel by pixel and save your creations.

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Joy Destroyer 1.0

by Dioni0396
Simple game where to objective is to get as many points as possible by pressing the buttons on the Wiimote. Multiplayer support.

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Save The Castle Wii 0.1

by rubenelportero
Shooting game for Wii. Shoot anyone who approaches. Always keep a full clip.

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Show Test 1.0

by _Dark_Cloud_
A television trivia game.

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WiiPaintBall 1.1

by miguel28
Draw the path to get the ball to touch the star.

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O.T.T.F. 1.0

by xerpi
A math based game for Wii.

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Pong your Wii 1.00

by kanario92
Another Pong game for Wii.

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