Thursday, October 21, 2010

TetriCycle 1.2

by calvinss4
TetriCycle is Tetris projected onto a cylindrical surface. Rotate the cylinder left/right such that the descending piece falls into place.

TetriCycle is freeware, can be distributed freely and should never be charged for.

-9th Release: 10/20/10
-Added a Mirror powerup.
-Added a Speed Up powerup.
-Added a Junk Piece powerup.

-8th Release: 10/19/10
-Added classical mode (for classic tetris).
-The Player Profiles 'rotation' label now has a 'piece' option that allows you to move the piece instead of moving the playfield; this is similar to classical mode, except that the piece is allowed to wrap around in cylindrical mode.
-The Player Profiles 'guide' label now has a 'line' option, so when selecting the guide mode, you can choose between a shadow piece, or a guide line.

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