Wednesday, June 2, 2010

WiiXplorer r167

by Dimok, r-win

A multi device file explorer for the Wii by dimok and a GUI made with LibWiiGui by Tantric with graphics by NeoRame.

-USB2 support with cIOS202 installed
-SMB/USB/SD/DVD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
-FAT and NTFS files systems support
-Rename files/directories
-Properties of files/directories
-Browse through SD/USB/SMB/DVD/WiiDisk
-Addressbar with path
-Multilanguage with custom font support
-Boot .dol/.elf files
-Open TXT/XML/MP3/OGG files
-Supported Image Formats: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TPL/TGA/TIFF/GD/GD2
-Imageoperations zoom/slideshow
-WiiGameVideo playback
-ZIP/7zip/BNR/U8Archive browsing and decompressing
-Rar browsing
-Properties of archive files
-Textediting support
-Auto-Update feature

*Updated language files
*small fix in mem2 reallocate (thanks to Hibernatus)
*fix for the PlayList cut off on 4:3 screens
*Changed "Parse Directory" on MusicPlayer to not clear the list but append the
files from the directory to the list.
*Updated libfat to the newest version and increased cache size. The increase in
cache should speed up transfer on all the SD/USB filesystems. If anyone
encounters new problems with sd/hdd please report them on the issue site.
*A few minor fixes

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