Arcade Emulator based on SDL Mame. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.
Emulator Menu: WiiMote Home Button / GameCube L-Trigger
Insert Coin: WiiMote Minus Button / GameCube R-Trigger
Start (not all games use this): WiiMote Plus Button / GameCube Start Button
Up/Down/Left/Right - WiiMote D-Pad / Nunchuck Joystick / GameCube D-Pad
Button 1/2/3/4 - WiiMote 2/1/B/A / GameCube A/B/X/Y
Back (Exits current game) - WiiMote Plus + Minus Buttons / GameCube Z Button
-Upgraded MAME to 0.135
-Added WiiMote Sensor support
-Stereo support fixed
-Game list now shows up to 150 ROMs instead of just 15
-Changed USB/SD detection (Tries USB first, then falls back to SD)
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