by Comex
Introducing a first alternative method to get homebrew working on your Wii since the Twilight hack.
-This software is still in the testing stages of development, there maybe unforeseen bugs.
-Currently this exploit does not allow the Homebrew channel (4.0 virgin only) to be installed due to the exploit that was used being blocked in 4.0.
-Compatible with Wii system menu 3.x - 4.0 (Homebrew Channel not required)
1. Get a SD card. If it already has a private directory, rename it temporarily, e.g. to "privateold". Having other saved channels on the same card will screw it up.
2. Download and unzip it onto the SD card.
3. Get a DOL or ELF and put it on the SD root as /boot.dol or /boot.elf.
4. Press (Wii), Data Management, Channels, SD. Then insert the card. It should either pop up Load /boot.dol? or freeze.
5. If it pops up a dialog, then fill out the survey.
6. If it freezes, follow these diagnostics:
Check that you didn't use the SD menu (4.0) or Savedata instead of Channels.
-If it gives you the dialog but freezes instead of loading the dol, you might also try removing the disc.
-If you press "no" when it asks you whether you want to load a dol then it might freeze.
-It is possible to press the back button "under" the dialog. Make sure you don't do that.
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