Sunday, January 9, 2011

RSSMii 1.1

by main()
RSS Feeds on the Wii.

Getting started¶

1. Extract the archive you downloaded to your SD-Card. The archive represents the root of the SD-Card.
2. Create a "feeds.xml" in the root of your SD-Card.

The "feeds.xml"¶

Here you see a sample-"feeds-xml"-file:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?
feed url="" name="Example-Feed" /
feed url="" name="One more Example-Feed!" /

You can add as many feed-nodes as you want. The "name"-Attribute will be displayed on top of the message at the Wii-Messageboard, so it is recommended to cut that REALLY SHORT because there's hardly any space.
Launching rssmii¶

1. Launch rssmii in the Homebrew-Channel or any other launcher of your choice (I thought of custom channels, so launching this won't result in a CodeDump-Error on exit!)
2. You see the RSS-Feeds listed in the "feeds.xml"
3. When you now press A, every previous subscriptions to RSS-Feeds will be overwritten by subscriptions to the Feeds listed in the "feeds.xml".
4. Everything's finished - You should now be receiving updates at those RSS-Feeds at the Wii-Messageboard!

This RSSMii 1.1 is released. It fixes Issue 1 (the error with mxml & format in the URL) with CDATA tags. But although he had to change the syntax of the feeds.xml, RSSMii must therefore be set up again (using the HowTo Wiki page). Of course, this is not a must, your current subscription still continue to work (though I can not say exactly how long, so a change is recommended). So just make the update feeds.xml new / to match the new syntax and RSSMii run. Have fun!

News Source (1)