Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wilbrand Launcher 5.0

by actar
Wilbrand Laucher is used to start up Wilbrand by giantpune.

 Wilbrand is an exploit capable of launching homebrew from the System Menu versions 3.0 and up.

  • Removed drop box feature.
  • If bootmii is down, boot.elf will be downloaded from my dropbox folder.
  • Add check for verify if bootmii.org is accessible or not
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postLoader 4.0.7

by Gestern, stfour
postLoader is intended to be an extension to priiloader autoboot feature. It aims to replace Forwarders and HB Channel.

What is postLoader?
  • HomeBrew Browser with subfolder and xml support
  • Channel/Title Browser with filters and cover
  • neek2o & Uneek+DI game browser with cover support
  • game loaders forwarder (for CFG, GX and WiiFlow) with cover and filters support
  • DML gamecube browser with USB to SD copy feature
  • Themable user interface
  • Wiiload server
* If started from priiloader it gains AHPBROT and spawn full hardware rights to homebrew applications
* Autoboot your default application/channel: If you don't press (A) in time to enter in interactive mode, postLoader will launch the predefined app (if enabled)
* Direct access to BOOTMII
* Support costom splash screen (only from SD device)
* Full support for UNEEK environment. May work under SNEEK
* Support for Wiimote and GC controllers
* Intergrated UNEEK nand switcher
* wiiload update: If you send postLoader.dol via wiiload, postloader installation will be updated (after confirmation).

oneek2o advanced support
* USB Access for HOMEBREW (see historii.txt for important notices)
* Multiple nand support for different region games
* Built in game cache rebuilder (partially implemented, see historii.txt)

Uneek+DI game browser (see historii.txt)
* Support covers
* Support title vote

USB Loaders forwarder
* Support cfg, gx and wiiflow (actually wiiflow crash)
* Support covers
* Support title vote
* Support ios selection

DML gamecube games
* Support covers
* Support title vote
* Support ios selection
* Can copy games from USB to SD before execute them

* HB Channel replacement: It can be used to browse homebrew application, with it own interface.
* Dangerous homebrews can be hidden
* Full support for meta.xml arguments and all other tags.
* It support subfolders (see notes)
* Can browse SD and USB device (FAT32 on first/active partition)
* WiiLoad support (straight, compressed dol, zip archieve)

* Nand emulation (ciosx/waninkoko on slot 249)
* AHBPROT is need for real nand browsing (otherwise ios249 is used)
* Wii System Channel replacemente: Can browse and run Channels, WiiWare and VC.
* Can run Titles from real and emulated NAND on SD or USB with folder support
* Titles can be sorted voted and/or hiddened
* Support interactive application sorting
* Sort titles by vote/name
* Titles filters (System channels/wiiware/neogeo/c64... etc)
* Fast titles search
* Download title icons from wiitdb
* Alternat nand folder support (other that classic root)


postLoader 4.0.7
* removed an annoying debug message

postLoader 4.0.6
* now using the open source stub by fix/megazig. Old stub.bin can be removed from /ploader folder
* Fixed a dump with neek2o diconfig.bin file.
* devolution: postloader support now creation/managment of up 8 card images, per game selecatable. memcard.bin, memcard1.bin....memcard7.bin (also _jap equivalent)
* Changed a bit the selection screen
* some code clean

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DIOS MIOS Lite v2.2

by WiiPower, obcd, scooby74029, OverjoY, conanac, emu_kidid, exp0wnster
Use DML to run Gamecube games from SD

  • Load Gamecube ISOs from SD card
  • Load extracted Gamecube ISOs from SD card
  • Load Gamecube Discs
  • Emulate Memorycard (NoMoreMemory)
  • Cheat codes
  • USBGecko debugging
  • Changeable configuration of various settings
  • Reset/Power off via GC controller key combo
  • Real-NAND and emu-NAND support

* Updated the code to be up to par with DM 2.2
* Removed unused USB files  

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CleanRip 1.0.5

by emu_kidid
CleanRip is a Gamecube and Wii optical disc backup tool for the Nintendo Wii. The "Clean" in CleanRip comes from the fact that this tool does not require nor utilize any custom IOS (cIOS). It simply requires that you have the latest Homebrew Channel (HBC) installed. Also, if it finds that IOS58 is installed, you will be able to rip discs at USB 2.0 speeds.

1.0.5 (June 29th, 2012)
  • Built with latest libOGC git (as of 30/06/2012)
  • Built with libntfs-2012-1-15 (SVN Rev 13)
  • Async read/write support for faster dumps (tueidj)
  • Fixed time remaining to be accurate (tueidj)
  • Fixed a potential bug when writing next chunk (tueidj)
  • Fixed redump.org DAT file downloads (now re-hosted on gc-forever.com)
  • Use proper DVD init from PPC and kill the starlet DVD IRQ (tueidj)
  • Fixed Motor Off error message at the end of dumps
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SaveGame Manager GX r126

by dj_skual, Giantpune
Install/Extract saved game files. Based on Waninkoko's SaveGame Manager.

 Changed the update function
* Added a script to generate and put on the good place update files for new
update function while compiling (easy release)
* Fixed  Issue 168

* Fix crash on drives with physical sector size > 512 bytes (USBLoader GX)
* Added a 10 seconds loop to wait slow HDD (USBLoader GX)
* Changed video init fonction to work with last libogc
* Synchronized to  Issue 168  fix

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WiiTweet 0.3.1

by Pedro Aguiar
WiiTweet is a Twitter client for the Nintendo Wii.

  • Not so bad Twitter interaction 
  • HTTPS support oAuth support 
  • Unicode capable keyboard 
  • Configurable keyboard layouts 
  • Local NIP support 
  • Content-Encoding: gzip, deflate support
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FBZX Wii v5

by Oibaf
FBZX is a ZX Spectrum emulator for FrameBuffer written by Sergio Costas and ported to Wii by Oibaf.

  • Emulates accurately the Original 48Kspectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K. This includes screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
  • Screen emulation is extremely accurate, so it can emulate border effects and even attribute effects.
  • Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
  • Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files, supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
  • Emulates up to 2 joysticks of types: kempston, cursor and sinclair1 and sinclair2.
  • All the wiimote, nunchuck and classic controller buttons and joypads are fully configurable.
  • Virtual keyboard support.
  • Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
  • Emulates the ULAPlus
  • Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).
  • Added precision emulation setting (floating bus, contention, interrupt timing) 
  • Added NTSC 48K machine 
  • Added 320X240 framebuffer resolution 
  • New screen setting menu 
  • Added framerate setting  
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BoltThrower 0.70

by Titmouse
Bolt Thrower is currently single player Space Shoot 'Em Up.

Ver 0.70 - 21/01/2012
  • Added display thread for loading/updating 
  • Changed the way enemies move 
  • Small enemies now shoot back 
  • Mines now do damage to a small area, before they could only take out one thing! 
  • Added some new shielded enemies to the first mission 
  • Moon now terraforms in 2nd to last mession 
  • Made changes to the graphics 
  • Scrolling credits 
  • Last Mission is now a Survival Mission, things will hot up! 
  • Note:v0.70 has been sitting on the self for 6 months; sure I’ve missed commenting various changes. 
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Devolution r115

by tueidj
 Gamecube emulator for Wii.

There are two download packages. The first contains the "sample" loader, the second contains the source for that loader and the binary blob for Devolution engine. The purpose of the second package is so people can make their own loader or incorporate it into existing programs

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